Covid Safety
Following updated Welsh Government advice, rehearsals (for up to a maximum of 30 people in a session) can resume from Monday May 17th onwards
Links to the current guidance for covid safety at rehearsals, is available at
Strict covid safety procedures remain in place at all times, and are outlined below
Safety Procedures
The band has undertaken a considerable amount of work and research on covid safety, liasing closely with both Welsh Government and Public Health RCT in order to ensure a safe return to rehearsal
The following procedures are currently in place and must be adhered to at all times:
- Facemasks must be worn at all times, on arrival, departure and when not playing during rehearsals
- Bell covers should be worn on instruments while playing
- Digital Temperature checks must be undertaken on arrival and an attendance register kept for Track & Trace purposes. This data must be made available to the committee and members / visitors informed that this will be the case
- Hand sanitisers are available in the building and must be used on entering and leaving
- Two metre distancing must be maintained at all times when inside the bandroom
- Once inside the building, a one way system is in place, which must be adhered to at all times
- Individuals should enter through the main doors, enter one of the two washrooms available on either side and wash their hands
- Paper towels are available to dry hands and be disposed of
- Individuals must then sanitise their hands before entering the main bandroom
- Temperatures must be taken and recorded at this point
- Individuals should then proceed to their seats
- Seats will be in place at 2 metre distances, having been placed there by a single individual, who will have worn both gloves and a facemask when doing so. The seats are not to be moved under any circumstance
- Each member will be issued with their own music pad and collapsible music stand at the first session. These pads will have been compiled and sealed at least 72 hours in advance of the rehearsal. Members will retain their music pads and stands at the end of the rehearsal, take them away and bring them back to each session
- Sharing of seats, stands, music and any other equipment is not permitted under any circumstance
- Each member must bring with them a hand towel or similar to place beneath their seats and collect condensation from their instrument. Members are then asked to place these towels in an appropriate container, which you should also bring with you, and take both the towel and container away with you at the end of each session
- Rehearsals will be limited to two 45 minute sessions, with a 15 minute break between, during which the room will be "aired" by opening the main entrance and side fire doors. Internal extraction fans are also available
- Exiting the building, during the break and at the close, should be undertaken through the right hand fire exit, which leads down a short path back to the main entrance. This is to maintain the one way system within the building and avoid any crossover / clutch points at the washrooms
- There is a serving hatch at the front of the rehearsal room, from which tea & coffee can be served. Members are reminded to maintain 2 metre distancing when queuing for tea & coffee and / or queuing for the lavatories, and to wear face masks at all times when moving around the building during the break
- Any cups used should be left at your seats until the rehearsal end, at which time they will be collected by a single individual, wearing gloves and facemask to be thoroughly washed
Again, links to the current guidance, together with music specific accompanying notes, is available at